Tuesday, December 8, 2015

And the winner is..............

Good Afternoon Dear Reader!

Today is the day when the winner of my portion of the Greatest Gift is Love blog hop is announced! I was supposed to do this earlier this morning, but little B was clingy boy and I didn't have much time to sit down and type!

Sooooo thanks to Random.org, the winner is  ** DRUM ROLL** Karalee Gross!! CONGRATULATIONS KARALEE!!!

Please get in touch with me so I can send your little quilted tree off to you! Thank you everyone who entered!! :-)

Till next time --

Happy Crafting!! 

Friday, December 4, 2015

WIP Weekend!

Happy Friday Dear Reader!

Can you believe it?? I finally have a WIP post ON the right day!!

I have been making quilted mug mats and I think everyone will be getting at least one this holiday season! I am hooked -- love how they are turning out, and mug mats/rugs are one of the new items that will be coming to Buttons In The Attic in 2016. Mr. Buttons and I have been discussing ways to refocus the shop, and adding more quilted items is one of the ways we are looking at -- as well as bumping up the number of stitcheries offered, more rug hooked items and punchneedle items. We are also talking about offering various holiday items year round as well -- snowmen, santas, bunnies, Americana and the like.

ANYway -- here are some of the mug mats -- **squee** I am in love!  (Yes -- these are the same pattern as the ornament I am offering in the giveaway (see below -- and be sure to enter and join in the blog hop!) just in a bigger size! I could even do matching ornaments and mug mats!

Back to sewing!!

Till next time!
Happy Crafting! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Greatest Gift Is Love Blog Hop!!

Good morning dear Reader!

I am excited to say that I am joining in my VERY first blog hop and I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful time!!

Welcome to our Greatest Gift is Love
Blog Hop Giveaway

Below you will find the links of all blogs participating
I hope that you will pay each of them a visit to sign up for their ornament
while you are on their blogs be sure to follow them as well!

This little quilted tree is what you could win from me! 

That is Correct this blog hop is a bit different
You will go to each blog to sign up for their ornament
You can sign up for my donation of Quilted Tree Ornament
By Leaving a comment on this post

For extra chances you can share on
Google Plus
Be sure to let me know in your ONE comment 
where all you share this at
Also remember to leave me contact info
if you do not have it enabled for me to easily contact you

Good Luck!! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

WIP Wendsday

Hello Dear Readers!

I hope one of you can answer this for me-- WHERE did February go??? Just feels like yesterday was the last day of January and POOF! Here we are in MARCH!!! I just don't know where it went!

I have been doing a lot of work on Squishie Love and I have just been filling orders for  Buttons. I have had some orders for my candle mats and I have new things on the cutting table that will get finished up soon!

On the Squishie Love side of things, I have been busily sewing and crocheting lots of fun toys. I had planned on opening Squishie Love last weekend, but Mr. Buttons ended up being really sick and he finally went and was seen on Tuesday after he tried to work and was diagnosed with Bronchitis of all things! So lots of soup and hot coffee and meds. Poor hubby! Hoping he feels better soon because he hates being sick.

But back to Squishie Love! Here is a quick peek at one cutie that is heading over soon-- Say hello to LemonDrop the Sock Monkey!

I just LOVE how he came out! And he will soon be joined by a little pink sock monkey named Rosie and a couple turtles and a teddy bear or two and more! I have also discovered a brand of totally AWESOME crochet hooks! I love love LOVE them! I have been using the standard Susan Bates/ Boye aluminum hooks, but I have been crocheting so much lately that my hands were cramping and I would have to set my work aside. Where there is one doll that I am working on that I needed an 'E' hook for--which is a hook you can't just run down to Michael's or Walmart to pick up and required a trip to my local yarn store. There I discovered the Addi Swing crochet hook-which is an ergonomic style of crochet hook. They are a bit spendy, but my first day with my new hooks, I was able to crochet all day with nary a twitch or issue. I am in LOVE with them! I am able to crochet without having to grip my hook tightly--which is GREAT when dealing with the smaller gauge hooks.


Starting Friday, I am going to be sharing recipes with all of you, Dear Readers, in what I will be calling my Friday Recipe Box. I am going to be sharing old family favorites, new recipes that I have found, and ones that I have created myself. I will be sharing actual meals that I have prepared--complete with pictures! I can hardly wait! I really enjoyed sharing my cookie recipes with you a couple Christmases back that I thought I would make it a regular, weekly feature!

Well it is late and I should wrap up for now!

Take care my friends and keep crafting!


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WIP it up Wednesday 1/28/15

Hello dear readers!

I can't believe that January is almost over! Can you?? I do not know where the time has gone! Well, as I promised last week, I would introduce you to the 'girls'!

First off, here is  Ingrid :-) she is a Bergman loom and she was created by a woman who immigrated from Sweden back at the beginning of the 1900's. She was quite surprised that there were not weaving rooms in American homes, so she and her husband set about developing a loom that would fit in the standard American home. She is a countermarch loom and her weaving width is just about 40 inches wide. The first  two and the last pictures are of my Ingrid where she was before she came home and the middle 3 are of a Bergman that was available on Craigslist to give more of an idea of how she looks. She is really rather intriguing because her front and back can fold in like shown in the 3rd picture while warped! So say your loom was in the dining room and you were having company--you could move the warp beam and the cloth beam and the breast beams up and out of the way and fold her closed and she would be all of about 24 inches deep!

My other girl is a somewhat LeClerc type Fanny or Fannie as the case may be. Not really sure what her story is.We bought her locally from a fellow who had purchased her and decided that she was too big for his place. So we were able to pick her up for $100. We actually only paid $200 for Ingrid! And they are both, full size floor looms. Anyway, back to Fannie--there are lots of parts on her who say she could be a Fanny, but there are parts of her that clearly are not.  It is possible that she could be a very early 1930's Fanny, since she does look like some of the really old pictures we have seen, or she could have been damaged in some way and rebuilt. If that is the case, maybe she is from Betsy's Buggy Barn! lol The gentleman we purchased her from had no information on her. But anyway--here are some pictures of her in our living room after she came home! She is a counterbalance loom, so right now, basically, 2 shafts rise while the other 2 sink. We are looking at getting a shed regulator that will allow her to be used as a 'regular' loom, but she is a workhorse and can do everything from lace to rugs--just like Ingrid! Fanny's weaving width is 45 inches wide so I can do blankets and all sorts of fun things on her!

Mr. Buttons and I are in the process of getting both girls in shape to weave! I am counting the heddles on both and they are both getting some TLC in the wood care department! Really looking forward to getting them both warped up and get going! OH and they are both happily ensconced in the crafting room!

I have also been busy with items for my kid's shop--

The goal is to have it up and running by the end of February!! Can hardly wait!!! I have also been working on punch needle items and just need to get pictures taken and get them listed in Buttons In The Attic. I thought I was going to have things up for Valentine's day, and I still hope too but I am looking forward to Easter, as I already have been working on BUNNIES and EGGS and other fun spring time goodies!

Ok dear readers, I think it is time to wrap up for today! It is getting late and I didn't want today to get by without a note to you all!

Until next time!
Happy crafting!
